- Read whole webcomic archives, some of which I enjoyed;
- Watched Serenity and some episodes of Firefly;
- Had long discussions with people about various subjects involving religion, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and other such things;
- Gone to a video-game music concert, which was good. Could have been better, but it was still an enjoyable experience;
- Made initial preparations for going to see a Yes concert (apparently, they're touring again. This is excellent. I thought all my favorite bands were either in Europe or defunct.)
- Read World War Z, by Max Brooks, in one session;
- Given a great deal of thought to the world for a D&D campaign I might run in the future;
- Downloaded "Linley's Dungeon Crawl" again. (This was, as always, cronic suicide. LDC is free, downloadable, and the most addictive game I have ever come across (yes, more so than Pokemon). It ate another one of my afternoons. I have deleted it once more.);
- Started a project for a manga about the National Spelling Bee (yes, it's a good idea. Yes, there will be fight scenes. Right now, we're looking for an artist - a couple of people have been interested but have also been busy.)
Things I have not done this past couple of weeks:
- My job (not much of it, anyway. I'm several hours behind.);
- Homework more than eight hours before it's been due;
- Slept.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees a problem here.